
ROAR case LUNA for IPHONE 16 Plus Red

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ROAR case LUNA for IPHONE 16 Plus Red

Keep your phone safe and stylish with the slim Roar Luna case. Flexible coating in pastel color and with a matte finish guarantees full protection of the device against scratches. The product supports wireless charging.

Viac informácií

Skladom > 10 ks, odošleme v štvrtok 03. 04.

Možnosti dopravy

4.91 € 4 € bez DPH

- +

V košíku máte tovar za 0 €. Nakúpte ešte za 40 € a získate dopravu zadarmo!


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tovar skladom posielame do 24 hodín


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ROAR case LUNA for IPHONE 16 Plus Red

Skladem, 4.91 €

- +

Popis produktu

Keep your phone safe and stylish with the slim Roar Luna case. Flexible coating in pastel color and with a matte finish guarantees full protection of the device against scratches. The product supports wireless charging.

The Roar Luna is not only a well-presented smartphone accessory but also a comprehensive device cover. Made of flexible, durable TPU, the case perfectly protects the phone against damage or scratches, and precise cutouts ensure that even cameras remains intact.

A case surface is soft in touch, which translates into the comfort of use. The coated buttons easily react to push, without limiting the functionality of your smartphone, and thanks to the support of inductive charging, you can freely replenish the energy by using no cables.

A stylish, matte finish in a pastel color will work as an aesthetic addition to other accessories.

Material: TPU
The case supports wireless charging.

Produkt je zaradený v týchto kategóriách

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Zadní ochranný kryt ROAR case LUNA pro Apple iPhone 16 Plus, červená

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    Skúsení špecialisti
    máme viac ako 17 rokov skúseností

    Autorizovaný predajca
    predávame tovar z oficiálnej CZ/SK distribúcie

    Fakt rýchle dodanie
    tovar skladom posielame do 24 hodín


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